Stories from
the road

(and beyond!)

When a cycle tour becomes a night hike…
Touring with Children, Scotland Tom Jones Touring with Children, Scotland Tom Jones

When a cycle tour becomes a night hike…

"Are there any lions, Mummy?", ponders Ruth aloud. I stifle the urge to giggle. The indistinct shapes around us start moving. And mooing. I reassure Ruth that there are no wild lions in Scotland. No, darling, no tigers either. Ruth is satisfied. Mummy and Daddy hold our breath - what will a field full of cows make of a family of cycle tourists turning up in the pitch dark and tramping across their field?

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A  night out on Tiree
Scotland, Touring with Children Katie Jones Scotland, Touring with Children Katie Jones

A night out on Tiree

Tiree had such a friendly air, perceptible as soon as we rolled off the ferry. Lots of locals were there meeting friends, family and guests from the boat. Our trailer and trailer bike outfit drew a few glances, and kind enquiries.

We cycled a couple of miles from the quay and pitched our little tent in the dunes…

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